Introducing 3 new groov platforms with lower prices for OEMs, machine builders, and simple remote installations, in addition to platforms for more complex monitoring and control:
- groov Solo
- groov Plus
- groov Enterprise

groov Solo—With this new entry-level groov you can monitor and control one Modbus/TCP device or one SNAP PAC controller. Now available at just $995 for groov Server for Windows (part number GROOV-SVR-WIN-BASE) or $1295 for the groov Box appliance (GROOV-AR1-BASE). Perfect for OEMs, machine builders, and remote locations you need to keep an eye on.
groov Plus—Add groov Plus to Solo and you can monitor and control as many Modbus/TCP devices and SNAP PAC controllers as you want. Price to add groov Plus (part number GROOV-LIC-PLUS) to either the Box or Server: just $695.
groov Enterprise—The top-of-the-line groov Enterprise, added to either groov Box Solo or groov Server Solo, lets you monitor and control all OPC UA-compatible systems and equipment, plus multiple Modbus/TCP devices and SNAP PAC controllers. Add part number GROOV-LIC-ENT to your Box or Server for $1595 and you're set to control your world.
All three platforms include:
- Full-featured groov software (groov Build and groov View)
- Unlimited users
- Unlimited tags
- Free groov View app for iOS and Android
- And, of course, free product support
Get your groov
Step 1: Choose the platform you want. Compare platform details.
Step 2: Choose groov Server for Windows or the groov Box appliance. Compare Box and Server.
Some handy notes...
Having trouble choosing a platform? No worries. Get groov Solo to start. You can add Plus or Enterprise at any time. And if you buy Plus and later need to add OPC UA equipment or systems, you can do that by purchasing GROOV-LIC-OPE, which takes you from Plus to Enterprise. Any questions? Contact us.
Activating your groov—If you purchase groov Plus or Enterprise, activate your Box or Server first and then activate your Plus or Enterprise.
Older groov part numbers—We've retired our older part numbers, but you can get the same exact features with the new platforms. So if you already have a GROOV-AR1 and need more just like it, for example, you can. Here's a quick equivalent table:
GROOV-AR1 | = groov Enterprise |
GROOV-AR1-SNAP | = groov Plus |
GROOV-AT1 | = groov Enterprise |
GROOV-AT1 (Version 1) | = groov Enterprise |
GROOV-SVR-WIN | = groov Enterprise |
GROOV-SVR-WIN-SNAP | = groov Plus |
GROOV-SVR-WIN (Version 1) | = groov Enterprise |