Get the latest groov View app for iOS and Android operating systems.
New in this release: Support for Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and verification of a valid SSL certificate on the groov Box or groov Server.
- The app now checks to make sure there's a valid certificate on your groov, just like a web browser does.
- If your groov has an SSL certificate generated by a certified signing authority, no warning is issued.
- If it has a self-signed certificate or a changed certificate, the first time you connect you’ll see a warning (just as you would in a web browser).
- A new option lets you ignore all SSL certificate warnings. If the option is on, no warning appears.
Why use the app?
The groov View app is the best way to use your groov mobile operator interface on a smartphone or tablet with an Android or iOS operating system. (If you have another mobile brand, just use your web browser to see the same interface.)
Why is the app best?
- It’s convenient. You can set it to automatically connect to a groov interface as soon as you open the app.
- The interface fills the whole screen, so you get more screen real estate and fewer distractions.
- It gives you a native-app feel; it's familiar because it’s designed for your mobile device.
- You can lock settings or require a passcode to change a connection.
- And it’s free!
If you're a machine builder or OEM, here's another reason to use the app: it's perfect for a machine HMI. On an iOS device, you can use Guided Access mode to lock down the device so the only thing it can do is show your groov interface.
Download the free groov View app from your mobile store:
Available soon
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For more information on using the groov View app, see the Setting Up groov Mobile Apps Technical Note.