
Machine Learning and the Rundown with IntegrateLive!

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 8, 2022 7:30:00 AM

Don't miss the recording of IntegrateLive! episode 6, as five automation companies combine technologies for better ways to maintain critical infrastructure.

Weren't able to attend the last IntegrateLive! virtual workshop? We've got the recording ready for you. In this latest episode, you'll hear from Opto 22 and automation changemakers like Canary, HiveMQ, Avadine, and APERIO. See how MQTT Sparkplug B moves data from edge to cloud and back, creating both enterprise and edge level HMIs that display process health and data quality.

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Topics: Webinars, IIoT, IntegrateLive!, machine learning

Meet IoT Certified OptoPartner 4IR Solutions

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 7, 2022 9:13:09 AM

Welcome a new OptoPartner who brings proven, cutting-edge IIoT cloud solutions.

Do you need help designing, installing, or updating your Opto 22 system? An OptoPartner can help. We have OptoPartners both internationally and throughout the United States that have proven track records of working with Opto 22 industrial control products (like the groov EPIC system and groov RIO edge I/O).

And for special projects that cross the line between OT and IT, you can contact one of our IoT Certified OptoPartners. We recently welcomed a new partner with valuable IIoT experience: 4IR Solutions.

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Topics: IoT, IIoT, groov EPIC, system integrator, OptoPartner, groov RIO

groov RIO Ignition Exchange Project Spotlight

Posted by Terry Orchard on Aug 30, 2022 8:00:00 AM

See how to quickly read groov RIO data into the Ignition Exchange tag database

With software-configurable I/O, like that on the groov RIO MM1 and MM2, it’s easier than ever to instrument all your devices for control and reading back real-world data. To help you take the next step of getting that data somewhere meaningful, this post will summarize a new Ignition Exchange project for reading data from one or more groov RIO modules into your Ignition tag database.

Posted by MartinCSI, an IoT-certified OptoPartner, this project makes it trivial to dynamically get tag data into the Ignition tag database, display it on Vision pages, and link it to other projects and providers where you can then do whatever you need.

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Topics: Ignition, groov RIO

groov RIO 3.4.1 ready for download

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 29, 2022 7:30:00 AM

A quick fix update was just released for groov RIO, version 3.4.1.

As an OptoBlog subscriber, you're always the first to hear about product news or firmware updates. This time we have another recent release for groov RIO to tell you about.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov RIO

Getting to the Edge with Industrial Communications

Posted by Benson Hougland on Aug 24, 2022 8:47:24 AM

A look at how edge devices and interoperability standards are paving the way for the fourth industrial revolution.

As we enter the so-called fourth industrial revolution, which aims to finally close the gap between distributed automation systems and business systems, let’s take a quick look back at some of the developments that got us here and where they point for the future. 

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Topics: edge computing, digital transformation, OPC UA

Opto 22 is hiring

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 23, 2022 1:47:28 PM

Opto 22 is actively recruiting for positions in engineering and manufacturing.

Team Opto is continuing to grow and we're looking for enthusiastic and dedicated people who are passionate about their work and ready to make a contribution in the field of industrial automation.

We've been in business for more than 45 years and financial stability is a cornerstone to our success, which is vital in the challenging economic state of the world today. The cutting edge technology found in our groov EPIC and groov RIO products is growing in demand, and therefore we are looking to fill more positions in both engineering and manufacturing.

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Topics: Careers, Technical Writer, Firmware Engineer, maintenance technician, manufacturing

Quick recap: groov EPIC 3.4.3 firmware update

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 16, 2022 12:37:43 PM

Review some important bug fixes included in the latest groov EPIC firmware update 3.4.3.

Everyone here at Opto 22 knows that updating any controller's firmware is not a trivial task, and when in a production environment, it’s not something that can be done at the drop of a hat.

That said, sometimes we fix some bugs that require a minor point firmware update and the latest 3.4.3 release is just such a case. If you are using groov View or the new Data Services feature, then you should look closely at this release as you determine where updating your controller(s) should be prioritized in your jam-packed schedule.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov View, groov EPIC, OPC UA

A houseboat vacation with groov RIO

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 10, 2022 8:18:31 AM

Come along on a houseboat trip to Lake Powell to see what's possible when you bring a groov RIO and SpaceX Starlink on vacation.

Opto 22's VP of Product Strategy, Benson Hougland, has often described Lake Powell (which stretches from southern Utah to northern Arizona) as one of his favorite vacation destinations. A houseboat vacation has become a family tradition that always took him "off the grid" for a week. This year was a different story.

With a groov RIO edge I/O module outfitted with some temperature sensors, and the convenience of a Space X Starlink satellite internet system on board, this year's trip made for some memorable moments in remote automation.

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Topics: MQTT, Ignition, groov RIO, Cirrus Link Solutions, HiveMQ

Using Machine Learning for Critical Process Awareness & Monitoring

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 8, 2022 2:35:06 PM

Join Opto 22 at the next IntegrateLive! virtual workshop to discover better ways to maintain critical infrastructure.

Opto 22 is once again participating in an important demonstration of different industry technologies working together. IntegrateLive! returns this month with a new episode highlighting machine learning. 

You'll see product demos and presentations from Canary, HiveMQ, Avadine, APERIO and Opto 22...all working together!

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, groov RIO, system integration

The Art of the Possible: Modern Security for Industrial Systems

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 3, 2022 5:30:00 AM

Inductive Automation's Kevin McClusky suggests a different approach to make your industrial systems safe and secure in this month's featured guest blog.

What would it take to break into Fort Knox? As one of the most secure locations on the planet, it wouldn’t be easy. However, someone with the right amount of time, planning, and determination may be able to find a way.

The same is true for most industrial systems. So, how to protect what’s inside? Strategies that may work in the physical world—thicker walls or taller fences—don’t translate to digital systems. The tools of the trade here are a variety of high-tech solutions such as firewalls, SIEMs, IDS’s, and IPS’s. These are tools mainly to monitor network traffic and control the flow, and provide early alerts if there’s unusual activity.

However, what if we threw out all of those traditional tools and took a different approach?

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Ignition, Inductive Automation, Art of the Possible

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