Learn how setting up VPN (virtual private network) configurations can help you securely connect to your remote devices.
In our latest video VPN configuration on groov devices using OpenVPN, you'll get a breakdown of the high-level configuration of VPNs and also a detailed walkthrough of the process.
But first, in this blog post, let's discuss the pain of secure remote connectivity and the gains that setting up a VPN can bring.
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groov EPIC,
EPIC Security,
Process Control Dynamics joins the OptoChannel of distributors to share their industrial IoT expertise and focus on the groov family of products in Colorado and the Four Corners region.
Now you have more options when it comes to finding IIoT and critical infrastructure application solutions, especially in Colorado and the Four Corners region of the USA.
Meet Process Control Dynamics. They've helped thousands of customers implement technologically advanced and cost-effective solutions in a wide variety of applications and vertical markets since 1986.
Hear about their product experience and why they've added groov EPIC and groov RIO products to their portfolio.
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groov EPIC,
groov RIO,
Is your SCADA system holding you back? See how the Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District fixed their outdated systems.
If you’re managing critical infrastructure, how much do you trust your SCADA system? Are you getting real-time, reliable data, or are you constantly battling delays, communication failures, and rising maintenance costs?
Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District faced those same challenges—until they partnered with Avadine, an IoT-certified OptoPartner, to upgrade their SCADA system. Read about their new solution and how they got there.
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Case studies,
groov EPIC,
Hear from the students who attended groov EPIC Premium Factory Training in March 2025. Then choose a date from the remaining 2025 class schedule that works for you.
Interested in learning more about edge controller technology? Need help to achieve digital transformation goals within your company? Or are you in search of a better solution for your current applications?
Attending an in-person groov EPIC training class at Opto 22 headquarters can help. Learn about the topics covered and what the most recent group of students thought about the experience.
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groov EPIC,
Factory Training,
edge computing,
digital transformation
This new step-by-step video walks you through Opto 22's free image library and how to create custom graphics to enhance your HMI screens.
Are you hoping to take your projects to the next level with eye-catching graphics? Do you wish you could have more control and customization options when designing screens for your control programs? Then you should take advantage of Opto 22's free SVG Image Library.
This new 14-minute video shows you how to navigate to the library on the website, how it works, and how to use it with groov View—an easy-to-use tool for building and viewing mobile operator interfaces.
As your video host, Opto 22's Paul Hardt shows you how simple it is to use the image library, improve your HMIs, and monitor and control your systems, equipment, and data.
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groov View,
groov EPIC,
Learn the powerful results you can achieve when using Ignition, groov EPIC, and 4IR Solutions' Factory Stack™ cloud platform together.
As shown in a recent webinar here on the OptoBlog, Inductive Automation often brings together its solutions partners (including Opto 22) to demonstrate complete solution packages.
When using collaborative technologies, you see increased benefits—including an easier path to digital transformation and finally getting the data you need, where you need it.
This Inductive Automation case study is an excellent example of how using a combined solution allowed a glass company to achieve a lean manufacturing goal with a unified reporting system, along with increased efficiency in production.
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Case studies,
groov EPIC,
What did you miss at the first annual ProveIt! Conference? Manufacturers and industry vendors came together to "prove" options for reaching digital transformation and moving data within a Unified Namespace (UNS).
Last week in Dallas was extraordinary, as over 600 industry professionals and 36 vendors gathered for ProveIt! 2025. This conference wasn’t just about talking digital transformation—it was all about live demonstrations that truly proved the value of IIoT technologies in action.
With a focus on educating attendees, this conference drew end users who are manufacturers.
Here's a quick recap of the experience and a look at Opto 22's ProveIt! demo—see for yourself what concepts were shown and "proven."
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Events & conferences,
Industrial Internet of Things,
groov EPIC,
groov RIO,
smart manufacturing
Attend the Smart Manufacturing Roadshow to start collaborative relationships that help build your plant's success.
Smart manufacturing has become a popular topic and a rapidly growing space. Where are you on the path to reaching smart manufacturing status? Looking for some direction?
The State of Indiana is once again forging the path—encouraging manufacturers to leverage one another by sharing what each has learned and working together for mutual benefit.
Here's your chance to attend a free, one-day event that brings manufacturers together.
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Energy management,
Events & conferences,
groov EPIC,
groov RIO,
smart manufacturing,
groov rio emu,
energy monitoring
With over 20 years of industrial automation experience, Evo Integration hosts their first expo—to connect you with global manufacturers and new tech that can transform your operations.
Welcome to Evo Expo! It's your chance to step into the future of manufacturing. This interactive technology showcase, scheduled for March 26, 2025 in Reading, Pennsylvania, features cutting-edge automation and control solutions.
This is your opportunity to connect with experts who understand the real challenges of modern manufacturing. Meet with industry leaders who can show you how you can quickly transform your operations. Get the event details...
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Events & conferences,
groov EPIC,
system integrator,
groov RIO,
smart manufacturing,
If you're in the industrial automation field, you'll want to hear about the annual ARC Forum that keeps you thinking ahead.
If you didn’t make it to the 29th Annual ARC Industry Forum, you missed out. But this blog post will get you up to speed!
Here’s what went down and why this event continues to matter:
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Events & conferences,
Ignition Edge,
ARC Forum,
Inductive Automation