Janice Colmer
Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
Watch and learn what it means to have a secure industrial controls system.
Industrial automation has long been known to carry cybersecurity vulnerabilities at the levels of both technology and practice. Legacy PLCs weren’t designed for connections to untrusted LANs or the internet, and the old password-on-a-sticky-note security policy just doesn’t cut it anymore. So, what's the solution?
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groov EPIC,
EPIC Security
Opto 22's YouTube channel is growing with more videos and subscribers.
What started several years ago as a platform to host a few Opto 22 product videos has now reached a new milestone. The Opto 22 YouTube channel recently reached 2 million views and is closing in on 20,000 subscribers.
Whether you're new to the industrial automation industry, or are looking for specific developer tips on using MQTT or Node-RED, the OptoVideo channel is your one stop for all things automation and digital transformation.
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Case studies,
groov EPIC,
automation 101,
groov RIO,
A recent webinar with Opto 22 technology partner Sepasoft demonstrates flexible MES solutions with groov RIO.
In case you missed it, recorded sessions from last month's Sepasoft virtual conference are now available. Opto 22 participated in one session that explored new possibilities for evolving your MES architecture quickly and more robustly than ever before with the help of Sepasoft's OEE Cloud platform and groov RIO.
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groov RIO,
Technology Partners,
The upcoming 5-day virtual event is your chance to learn, engage and discuss CODESYS tech innovations and engineering in real-time.
CODESYS is a free, platform-independent IEC 61131-3 programming tool for industrial automation systems. And if you use groov EPIC controllers, you already know EPIC supports CODESYS as a control programming option and runtime engine. CODESYS GmbH is one of Opto 22's valued Technology Partners, and we are once again participating in their semi-annual user conference.
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Events & conferences,
groov EPIC,
Technology Partners
The recording of Opto 22's live product demo from the 2021 Ignition Community Conference is now available.
Were you able to attend Inductive Automation's annual Ignition Community Conference (ICC) last week? This two-day virtual event featured developer panel discussions, case studies of real-world Ignition projects, the annual build-a-thon, as well as several exhibitor demo sessions.
Opto 22's presentation demonstrated the power of Ignition on our groov EPIC and RIO platforms, and the recorded webinar is now available for on-demand viewing.
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groov EPIC,
EPIC Security,
Ignition Community Conference,
Join us for another webinar this week with the Eclipse Foundation and members of the Sparkplug Working Group.
Earlier this year, Opto 22 joined the Eclipse Foundation's Sparkplug Working Group. The group's focus is to foster further collaboration and innovation around the MQTT and Sparkplug standards, an important piece of technology in our groov EPIC and groov RIO product lines.
The Eclipse Foundation has been the home for open-source implementations of the MQTT IoT protocol since 2011. It introduced the SWG in 2020 to continue the development of Sparkplug and broaden its adoption for IIoT. As part of this week's Inductive Community Conference, the group is hosting a webinar demonstrating the difference that Sparkplug makes in the real world.
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Eclipse Foundation
Opto 22's free online training will soon include a series on groov RIO edge I/O.
Good news for all our OptoU students as well as anyone interested in learning more about groov RIO—this new series of videos will help you become a groov RIO expert. groov RIO is the revolutionary I/O module that offers over 200,000 unique, software-configurable I/O combinations in a single, compact, PoE-powered industrial package. And now you can learn about it more easily than ever!
The groov RIO Learning Center is the best way to get hands-on experience with this new edge I/O technology, and the new OptoU training series will take you through several lessons utilizing a groov RIO learning center unit (GRV-RIO-LC).
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PID loop control,
groov RIO,
groov RIO Learning Center
Updated technical note includes tips and design advice for ensuring optimal performance on all devices using PAC Project software.
If you've been keeping up with your OptoBlog posts, you saw last week's news about an available update for the PAC Project Software Suite, version 10.4. If you haven't already, make sure you download it to take advantage of the new features, enhancements, and important fixes included in this update.
But now we have more good news! Whether you're a new user or very experienced with PAC Project and PAC Control programming, you'll want to spend some time reviewing our latest updated tech note: Optimizing PAC Project System Performance (form 1776).
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PAC Project,
PAC Control,
groov EPIC,
snap pac,
groov RIO,
Take advantage of several new features, fixes and improvements in this latest release of the PAC Project software suite, R10.4.
Whether you use Opto 22's basic or professional version of the PAC Project Software Suite, you'll want to hear about some new features and enhancements just added to PAC Control as well as some fixes for PAC Display. Let's review the highlights.
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PAC Project,
PAC Control,
PAC Manager,
PAC Display,
Opto 22 will be joining Technology Partner Sepasoft for a free virtual conference showcasing their latest MES modules.
The Opto 22 events calendar continues to fill up with opportunities to work with our Technology Partners - which means more chances for you to see how our products work together in real-time, with real application scenarios.
A manufacturing execution system (MES) is used to control, track, and document the transformation of raw materials into finished goods in real-time. MES systems are capable of tracking production by the second and, in some cases, less than one second. Opto Tech Partner Sepasoft wants to show you what this type of MES technology can mean for your business in a free, half-day virtual conference.
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Events & conferences,
groov RIO,
Technology Partners,