
groov EPIC Security Series, Part 2: What's a Firewall?

Posted by Ben Orchard on Apr 17, 2019 2:41:07 PM

Ever notice how emergency exits in a building open outward? Then, to keep the building secure, they are usually locked from the outside. You can get out easily enough, but you can’t get in that way.

However, on a building’s main front entrance, the door often swings in so you can enter. Typically, there is a security guard or perhaps a receptionist there to check your ID and keep an eye on the comings and goings.

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Topics: Security, groov View, groov EPIC, groov Manage, cybersecurity, firewall, EPIC Security, EPIC Security Series

groov EPIC Security Series, Part 1: Dual Network Interfaces

Posted by Ben Orchard on Apr 9, 2019 8:45:46 AM

Trusted and untrusted: when it comes to people, it can be hard to know someone at first pass. You need some time to build a picture of the person.

When it comes to networking, it’s a little more cut and dried. You either know who’s on a network or you don’t.

Can it really be that simple? Is there really a way on a groov EPIC to keep those you don’t trust away from those you do?

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Topics: Security, EPIC, groov View, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, EPIC Security, EPIC Security Series

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