Hear from Opto 22's Arun Sinha in the latest technology discussion on the Atlas Podcast.
What technologies are emerging in automation, and how can they help you with your projects? The Atlas Podcast focuses on answering these questions for the new year and beyond.
The Atlas Podcast explores technology topics with hosts Martin Kelman and Alex Matheson. Released weekly, each episode interviews a special guest with expert insight into key areas of technology and industry.
Their latest episode features Opto 22's Director of Business Development, Arun Sinha, who shares his insights on the future of technology in our industry.
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data visualization,
edge computing,
OT data
Indiana-based system integrator brings MES, Ignition, and groov product knowledge to take your manufacturing project to the next level.
Based in Pendleton, Indiana, Blue Ridge Automation serves the midwestern United States and has completed nationwide projects as well.
Like other IoT Certified OptoPartners, Blue Ridge has proved their expertise in edge control and I/O technology using groov EPIC and groov RIO as part of their solutions, most recently in successful large-scale applications.
Get to know Blue Ridge in their own words: "Transforming Manufacturing Beyond Limits"
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groov EPIC,
system integrator,
groov RIO,
OptoPartner video
Opto 22 receives the 2022 Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award
We're honored to share the exciting news that the edge technology included in groov EPIC controllers and groov RIO edge I/O modules has earned Opto 22 a special recognition! Based on its recent analysis of the industrial internet of things (IIoT) industry, Frost & Sullivan announced Opto 22 as the 2022 Global Enabling Technology Leader.
For over 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its detailed market analysis to help investors, corporations, and governments navigate economic changes and identify new technologies, trends, and growth opportunities.
Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents the Enabling Technology award to a company that develops pioneering technology and has demonstrated a high market acceptance for these new edge solutions. Thanks to the support of technology partners like Cirrus Link Solutions, Inductive Automation, CODESYS, and HiveMQ, the groov EPIC and RIO product lines have achieved this industry status.
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Awards and recognition,
groov EPIC,
edge computing,
groov RIO
Listen in as OptoPartner 4IR Solutions discusses the state of the industrial automation industry with Opto 22's Rene Gamero.
Are you looking for another good listen to add to your podcast library? We suggest the Heads in the Cloud podcast hosted by 4IR Solutions. You might recall we recently welcomed the 4IR team to the OptoPartner program, and we're excited to be a part of their product solutions.
In this episode, 4IR CEO James Burnand and Opto 22's International Technical Sales Executive Rene Gamero have an honest and heartfelt discussion about the transformation we're seeing in the industrial automation industry, and what new tools and technologies can help overcome the current challenges.
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groov EPIC,
digital transformation
Don't miss the recording of IntegrateLive! episode 6, as five automation companies combine technologies for better ways to maintain critical infrastructure.
Weren't able to attend the last IntegrateLive! virtual workshop? We've got the recording ready for you. In this latest episode, you'll hear from Opto 22 and automation changemakers like Canary, HiveMQ, Avadine, and APERIO. See how MQTT Sparkplug B moves data from edge to cloud and back, creating both enterprise and edge level HMIs that display process health and data quality.
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machine learning
Welcome a new OptoPartner who brings proven, cutting-edge IIoT cloud solutions.
Do you need help designing, installing, or updating your Opto 22 system? An OptoPartner can help. We have OptoPartners both internationally and throughout the United States that have proven track records of working with Opto 22 industrial control products (like the groov EPIC system and groov RIO edge I/O).
And for special projects that cross the line between OT and IT, you can contact one of our IoT Certified OptoPartners. We recently welcomed a new partner with valuable IIoT experience: 4IR Solutions.
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groov EPIC,
system integrator,
groov RIO
Part 2 of our interview with Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse addresses edge communications and reducing network complexity.
Last week in the OptoBlog, we shared a recent interview where Josh Eastburn had a discussion with ICS Pulse's Gary Cohen about using industrial devices on the edge of your networks and their effect on cybersecurity.
Their conversation continues in Part 2 of this Expert Interview series and covers:
- OT data risks
- Different OT communication protocol models
- How MQTT addresses security threats
- Reducing network complexity
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edge computing,
Expert Interview series
Hear from John Harrington, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at HighByte, as our guest series on the open automation ecosystem continues.
Many companies are looking to improve their business by collecting and making better use of industrial data. Whether you are performing AI/ML-based predictive analytics, setting up quality dashboards, measuring lean projects, or simply logging for traceability, you require consistent, reliable, and secure data. At HighByte, an industrial software company, we’re focused on providing the infrastructure to reliably manage data delivery at scale.
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groov EPIC,
edge computing,
groov RIO,
Art of the Possible,
OT data
A discussion with Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse about edge devices and cybersecurity
Industry 4.0 and edge computing concepts are becoming more commonplace in a variety of industries. Data democratization is key for companies taking on their digital transformations. But along with these advancements come extra security risks.
How can you address cybersecurity threats for these devices on the edge of your networks? We have some thoughts on that, and Josh Eastburn shared some insights when he recently sat down with Gary Cohen, senior editor at Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse.
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edge computing,
Expert Interview series
Introducing the latest system integrators to join the OptoPartner program
The newest members of the OptoPartner program come from all around the world. Take a look at the descriptions below and see if one might be a fit for your next project.
Our engineers have verified the projects these new partners have been involved in, so you can be assured they have proven their engineering expertise and in-depth understanding of Opto 22 hardware (including groov EPIC) and software.
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