
Three simple steps to a groov View HMI

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 18, 2023 10:31:01 AM

Watch this updated groov View Quick Start video to learn how simple it is to start designing and building your HMI.

With browser-based groov View, you can easily build an operator interface to see and interact with exactly what you need. groov View is included with groov EPIC and groov Server for Windows.

To help you get up and running in no time at all, we've put together a new video that takes you through 3 simple steps of setting up an HMI with groov View. This is a quick, high-level overview presentation designed to get you started and more comfortable with the tool.

Watch and learn: groov View Quick Start.

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Topics: Videos, groov server for windows, groov View, groov EPIC, HMI

groov Manage: System

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 12, 2023 8:02:09 AM

The 12-part video and blog series continues with a look at what's behind the System button on the groov Manage menu.

Over the past few weeks we've been taking a peek behind each of the main groov Manage menu options, both in a quick video and here in this blog. This week we are going to be jumping into the System menu.

Watch groov Manage: System.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

Improve OEE in minutes

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 11, 2023 11:08:25 AM

Watch Opto Technology Partners HiveMQ and 4IR Solutions improve OEE in this 60-minute webinar recording.

One of the most important manufacturing industry innovations has been the concept of OEE or Overall Equipment Effectiveness. OEE can help just about any manufacturing and production line in the world.

If you're looking to improve your OEE metrics and boost productivity, this webinar our friends at HiveMQ and 4IR Solutions put together is a must-watch. 

Experts from HiveMQ, 4IR, and Riveron guide you through the process of implementing, measuring, and improving OEE, even if you’re starting from scratch.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, OEE, Technology Partners

groov Manage: Network

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 5, 2023 9:11:30 AM

Learn Network configuration in the next of our new 12-part groov Manage video series.

If you've used a groov EPIC controller before, you're familiar with its 12 front-page menu buttons. But what power does each unlock? 

This 12-part groov Manage video series takes a deep dive into each home screen menu button, and our blog posts expand on the video. The simple blue menu contains a surprising amount of flexibility and granular control over the many programs and functions that each groov EPIC can run.

Last week we covered the Accounts button. Now let's move on to groov Manage: Network.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

New video series: All you need to know about groov Manage

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jun 28, 2023 12:09:27 PM

See all the things you can do with groov EPIC in our new video series.

Did you know that there are 12 front-page menu buttons on groov EPIC? What power does each unlock? 

groov customers say that the simple blue menu of groov Manage is very deceiving given its power, flexibility, and granular control over the many programs and functions that each groov EPIC can run.

Today you can see the first of a new 12-part video series on the groov Manage menu. Over the next 12 weeks we'll feature 12 videos and blog some specifics of each menu option—and the power that lies beneath. Be sure to subscribe to this blog in the top right corner of this page so you'll be notified when we release the next video in the series.

Let's get started with groov Manage: Accounts.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

More groov EPIC graduates for the class of 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 28, 2023 12:02:03 PM

Opto 22 welcomes another full class of students for the June 2023 groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class.

Are you looking for in-person, classroom PLC training? Or do you need help configuring and programming hardware and software for your industrial automation or IIoT application? Our groov EPIC Premium Factory Training course is for you!

The latest group of 12 students complete the program this week. They now have new knowledge and skills to apply to their own applications when they return home. 

This month we have a few local visitors, but students also made the trip from as far as Texas, New Mexico, Alabama, Maryland, Florida, Washington, and the Carolinas. They're spending 4 days immersed in the groov EPIC system—learning all its features, capabilities, and programming options.

See what's included when you sign up to learn about groov EPIC - the Edge Programmable Industrial Controller.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Elevate your Ignition project at ICC 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 21, 2023 8:46:50 AM

Get three days of inspiration for your automation projects at the annual Ignition Community Conference in September.

The Ignition Community Conference sells out fast! Don't miss out on the opportunity for early bird registration available through July 16th.

This year's event, as always hosted by our technology partner Inductive Automation, takes place September 26 - 28, 2023 at the Harris Center for the Arts in Folsom, CA. And the Opto 22 team returns as a sponsor and exhibitor. 

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Topics: Events & conferences, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, Ignition, Ignition Community Conference, groov RIO

Ready for LoRaWAN?

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 20, 2023 1:21:10 PM

IntegrateLive! is back with a virtual workshop that involves LoRaWAN and groov EPIC.

On July 19, 2023, at 8:00 am PDT, the IntegrateLive! team rolls up their sleeves for another hands-on project.

This IntegrateLive! Virtual Workshop will be led by Sarah Sonnier and Jessica Williams from SiteSync, as well as Benson Hougland from Opto 22. They'll focus on using a groov EPIC and the SiteSync MultiTech gateway to set up a full LoRaWAN network stack. (LoRaWAN is a low-power, wide area networking protocol built on top of the LoRa radio modulation technique.)

The setup will include LoRaWAN Network Server, Join Server, and Application Server. Register to attend.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, IntegrateLive!, LoRaWAN

Selecting and sizing a current transformer

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jun 14, 2023 10:12:45 AM

What looks like a donut, but you can't eat it, yet it still gives energy?
Clearly, I’m not very good at riddles, so I’ll cut straight to the answer: a current transformer, or CT.

CTs are a critical part of any electrical load monitoring system, so let's take a look at how they work, the different types, how to size them, and lastly, two important aspects of installing them.

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Topics: Energy management, groov rio emu, current transformers, energy monitoring

StrataVu brings an EPIC solution to oil and gas projects

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2023 10:56:35 AM

New Opto 22 technology partner Strata Innovative Solutions announces StrataVu: software that empowers programmers of all levels.

Looking for an affordable way to manage and automate your well pads?

Opto 22 is excited to announce we've partnered with another leader in digital transformation and the oil and gas industry: Strata Innovative Solutions.

The Strata engineering teams bring a deep understanding of the process, agile engineering, and systems integration that speeds efficiencies and reduces costs. Strata’s advanced capabilities offer customers unique advantages with edge-to-cloud solutions that transform data into actionable information and deliver it at scale to the people who need it—anytime and anywhere—while keeping cybersecurity at the forefront.

Which is why their latest software offering, StrataVu, fits perfectly with the out-of-the-box cybersecure, industrial edge controller groov EPIC.

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Topics: Oil & gas, IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, digital transformation, Technology Partners

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