Are you thinking about your Internet of Things (IoT) strategy? Join us next week in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the IoT Evolution Conference and Expo.
Topics: Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, Integrators, OptoNews 2016-07-06
Are you thinking about how you could use data from some of your SNAP PACs in databases, other applications, even the Internet of Things (IoT)?
If so, you'll be pretty excited about the upcoming release of SNAP PAC firmware, R9.5.
Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Internet of Things, Updates, Remote monitoring, IoT, optonews, PACs, Firmware, Security, OptoNews 2016-06-22
OptoNews: IoT Evolution Conference & Expo in Las Vegas
Are you thinking about your Internet of Things (IoT) strategy? Join us in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the IoT Evolution Conference and Expo, July 11-14, 2016.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-06-08
OptoNews: Legacy system data on the Internet of Things?
Look around and think about the useful data currently hiding in your legacy systems and equipment.
How could that data help your company?
Maybe it's process data from manufacturing lines, performance data from machinery, or status data from remote installations.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-05-25
Here's your invitation to a comprehensive automation conference you won't want to miss, May 24-25 in Chicago, Illinois: The Automation Conference.
Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, Security, OptoNews 2016-05-11
Are you wondering what the Internet of Things (IoT) or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is all about?
Or maybe you're already thinking about how connecting to sensors and devices could save time, increase efficiency, or drive profit in your application.
Topics: Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-04-13
If you've heard much about the Internet of Things (IoT) or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), you may have heard the terms OT and IT.
What do those terms mean? And why do we hear that OT and IT are "converging"?
Let's take a look.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, OptoNews 2016-04-13
Plan now to attend The Automation Conference & Expo this May in Chicago, Illinois—and save $100 on the cost of admission with your Opto 22 VIP code (see below).
The Conference focuses on the process industries, discrete manufacturing, and packaging, and this year it includes over two dozen educational sessions on:
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Events & conferences, Integrators, OptoNews 2016-03-16
Curious about the technology for the Internet of Things (IoT)? Interested in developing products or solutions for the IoT?
Then don't miss the Open IoT Summit next month in San Diego.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, OEM, Events & conferences, Integrators, OptoNews 2016-03-02
In my last blog post I talked about the TCP/IP model and why you should care about it. In a phrase: the Internet of Things (IoT).
With all the recent attention around the IoT, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and Industry 4.0, I’m sure you’re starting to realize that networking, Internet communication, and network security are going to be important in your job as an automation professional.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, Networking