
Terry Orchard

Terry is a UC Irvine alumnus that works in technical marketing and focuses on development and content creation. When he's not at the computer he enjoys spending time with his family and pets, flying drones, and working on yo-yo tricks.

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New Node-RED dashboard features in groov firmware 3.3

Posted by Terry Orchard on Dec 1, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Dashboard UI on integrated and HDMI displays, Dashboard-only user accounts, and login directly to the Dashboard!

If you follow this blog closely you'll have seen the news that the groov family has had a recent firmware release—version 3.3.1 for groov EPIC and 3.3.0 for groov RIO

This release brings a lot of great features that you can see in the OptoBlog posts linked above, but here I'd like to talk a bit more about the additional features added for Node-RED, specifically for the Node-RED Dashboard.

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Topics: Node-RED, groov EPIC, groov RIO

What's new in Node-RED v1.0

Posted by Terry Orchard on Jan 22, 2020 1:43:14 PM

The OpenJS Foundation and nodered.org have officially released Node-RED version 1.0!

Since the previous major Node-RED version v0.20, there have been big changes and improvements to both the visual editor on the surface and the runtime under the hood. These improvements are what truly make this a full version 1.0 update, and not just an iterative v0.21. This blog post will cover what has been updated or changed at a high level, and discuss the impact on users of Node-RED running on groov EPIC.

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Topics: Node-RED, groov EPIC

groov EPIC's Linux Operating System and Secure Shell (SSH) Access

Posted by Terry Orchard on Aug 7, 2019 10:33:49 AM

As you might have read in previous blog posts, groov EPIC runs a Linux-based operating system that supports a variety of programming and operating options, including optional secure shell (SSH) access. SSH provides root access to the tools, software, and files on the groov EPIC system.

But how does SSH access work, what is it capable of, and is it right for you? In this post I’ll go into a bit more depth about secure shell and the Linux operating system (OS) on groov EPIC and provide answers to these questions.

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Topics: Security, groov EPIC, Linux, secure shell

Help is here - a guide for developing with groov EPIC

Posted by Terry Orchard on Jan 28, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Have you ever been stuck on a coding problem? Unsure of which tool to use for an application? Or if you have the functionality you need to get the job done? Maybe you’ve just got a new system and need a map to help you learn the new features and functionality.

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Topics: PAC Control, REST API, Node-RED, MQTT, Ignition Edge, IEC 61131-3, groov EPIC, developer

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