
Discovery Day Indiana: Energy INsights

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 2, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Upcoming seminar introduces new Indiana statewide program to reduce energy costs for manufacturers.

Join us for an exciting preview of new digital transformation technology at Discovery Day Indiana, hosted by the Energy Systems Network (ESN) and the Emerging Manufacturing Collaboration Center (EMC2) in Indianapolis, IN. This month's event highlights the project that brought together the State of Indiana, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions, and Opto 22.

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, Ignition, Discovery Day, Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions

System integrators to network in Denver

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2022 9:50:37 AM

The annual CSIA Conference is back and takes a deep dive into "The Future of Work"

The annual CSIA Executive Conference is once again an in-person event. Join 500+ system integrators and industry partners in Denver, Colorado, June 27-30, 2022.

To help you navigate this (pandemic-influenced) new world, the 2022 CSIA Executive Conference will take a deep dive into “The Future of Work.” From keynote presentations to panel discussions to one-on-one networking, you’ll discover how thought leaders, industry experts, and most importantly, your peers are addressing these challenges.

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Topics: Events & conferences, industrial automation, system integrator, OptoPartner, Inductive Automation

Ignition Edge at the I/O level

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 3, 2021 9:44:00 AM

See how to overcome the limitations of your legacy automation in an upcoming Ignition Community Live webcast.

If you are trying to stay at the forefront of industrial automation, Inductive Automation's Ignition Community Live events are a great way to see new technology in action.

The next event will feature the new groov RIO MM2 I/O module (GRV-R7-MM2001-10), which helps you cut the cruft out of your infrastructure and bring I/O directly into connected systems.

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Topics: Webinars, Ignition Edge, groov RIO, Inductive Automation, Ignition Community Live

Proud member of the Eclipse Foundation and Sparkplug Working Group

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 29, 2021 9:44:35 AM

Opto 22 recently announced it has joined the Eclipse Foundation—the Sparkplug governing body and industry collective.

As an industrial automation and internet of things (IIoT) manufacturer, Opto 22 is dedicated to educating and influencing the direction of the MQTT IoT protocol. It's an important part of the product strategy behind our groov EPIC and groov RIO product solutions. Therefore, it was a logical step to join the Eclipse open-source software community to foster further collaboration and innovation around the MQTT and Sparkplug standards.

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Topics: MQTT, groov EPIC, Sparkplug, developer, groov RIO, Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions, Eclipse Foundation

Engineering Ideas Clinic at the University of Waterloo

Posted by Arun Sinha on Apr 13, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Industrial automation hub brings the real-world into the classroom for students

Though I have the highest regard for the university where I received my engineering degree, I felt the curriculum was more theoretical than practical. I was steeped in differential equations and engineering mathematics and didn’t actually have a design project or build anything until my senior year.

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Topics: Case studies, Videos, groov EPIC, industrial automation, Ignition, system integrator, groov RIO, digital transformation, Inductive Automation

OptoPartner Video - Meet Instrulogic

Posted by Arun Sinha on Mar 26, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Instrulogic is “all-in” to serve you.

In our latest OptoPartner video, it is clear right at the start that Instrulogic Chief Operations Officer Jason Hamlin cares about service. Instrulogic has helped customers in the water and wastewater market along with other industries for over 30 years and also holds innovation as one of their core values.

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Topics: IoT, MQTT, Ignition, system integrator, Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions, OptoPartner video

Watch the Latest OptoPartner Video - Corso Systems

Posted by Arun Sinha on Feb 4, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Technology Partnership helps Corso develop leading edge solutions for customers

In our latest OptoPartner video, Alex Marcy, President of Corso Systems, talks about how his company was remote before that was required. This made it easy to find the best talent, regardless of location, and gave his company the ability to help customers across the globe. Nine years later, this has allowed Corso to successfully complete integration projects in a wide range of industries including food and beverage, consumer goods manufacturing, oil and gas and mining among others.

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Topics: IIoT, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, Ignition, system integrator, OptoPartner, Inductive Automation, OptoPartner video, Technology Partners

What Does an IIoT Focused S.I. Look Like?

Posted by Arun Sinha on Jan 28, 2021 6:00:00 AM

OptoPartner video from Enginuity features IIoT based technologies

Many automation systems integrators are expanding beyond what we might consider “traditional” skill sets into technologies that may typically be the purview of IT professionals or software developers. While instrumentation, controls and SCADA obviously play a critical role in digital transformation, bridging the gap between OT and IT can require additional tools like Node-RED, REST APIs, databases, pub-sub communication protocols and Linux Shell programming chops.

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Topics: IIoT, CODESYS, groov EPIC, Ignition, groov RIO, digital transformation, Inductive Automation, OptoPartner video

Technology Partnerships Help Digital Transformation

Posted by Arun Sinha on Jan 21, 2021 12:57:50 PM

A common challenge of digital transformation projects and IIoT deployments is integrating and sharing data between different systems and services. Many applications become a complex set of integrations between hardware devices and software services. Even with systems based on open architecture, true interoperability can sometimes be difficult.

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, Ignition, groov RIO, digital transformation, Inductive Automation, Technology Partners

Hear From Our OptoPartners!

Posted by Arun Sinha on Dec 29, 2020 12:47:59 PM

Opto 22 system integrators tell their stories in new videos

Many of us are aware of the important role automation system integrators play in the industrial sector. Companies and organizations of all types often look to an outside firm to help design, install or commission their automation projects. Some system integrators are generalists while others have domain knowledge of specific verticals, but ultimately they help combine different devices and machines into an integrated, efficient system. 

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Topics: groov EPIC, industrial automation, Ignition, OptoPartner, groov RIO, Inductive Automation, OptoPartner video

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