Are you concerned about security?
Is Firefox your favorite browser?
If you answered yes to either question and are using a groov Box appliance, you'll want to get the latest groov Admin update.
Are you concerned about security?
Is Firefox your favorite browser?
If you answered yes to either question and are using a groov Box appliance, you'll want to get the latest groov Admin update.
Topics: groov, Updates, optonews, OptoNews 2015-08-26
Do what when:
In last week’s blog we covered how to set the real time clock (RTC) in a PAC Controller with an accurate time server over the Internet using SNTP.Now that our controller knows exactly what time it is, how do we turn on that pump at 6:00 a.m. on the dot?
Like most aspects of programming, there are a few different ways to achieve the same result, so join me in this week’s blog while we look at one way to manage real-time scheduling.
Topics: Energy management, Process control, groov, Internet of Things, Tips, IoT, PACs, PAC Project
Here's an opportunity to learn how to increase manufacturing throughput, improve safety, and optimize your production through technology: the SORT Technology Showcase 2015.
You'll see the latest technical advancements from a variety of suppliers. Opto 22's Arun Sinha will demonstrate how easy it is to put your system on your smartphone or tablet with a groov mobile operator interface.
Topics: groov, optonews, PACs, Events & conferences, I/O, OptoNews 2015-08-12
It is amazing how sometimes similar applications can come back to back….Last week's blog came from a customer asking how to measure the main power grid frequency. And later the same week I had a totally different customer ask me about how he could display upper, lower and current value of the main electrical grid frequency in groov. What are the chances of that!!??
This customer wanted one gadget to display all three values. Why so dense? Because they only use groov on smart phones, no PCs or Tablets. He was polling the data from a bank of UPSes and so needed to display a lot of data. Screen real estate is prime on those devices. What can we do to help?
In this week's blog, we are going to have some adventures in Z-Order.
Topics: Energy management, groov, Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, Tips, IoT, PACs, OEM, I/O
Yes, it's Windows 10 Day, and if you're ready to upgrade, here's some good news:
Topics: groov, optonews, PAC Project, OptoNews 2015-07-29, Windows 10
Do you have a groov Box?
If so, you'll want to update it with the latest version of groov Admin, the software that helps you administer the groov Box.
groov Admin is what you use to configure network connections, back up and restore groov projects, set up system time, and so on.
Topics: groov, Updates, optonews, OptoNews 2015-07-29
Two new groov how-to videos show you all about:
Events & notifications. Configuring events you want to log, checking event status, and using the event log with or without custom message text.
Topics: Videos, groov, optonews, Training, OptoNews 2015-07-29
Measure the main power grid frequency, he said. It will be fun, he said…. Actually, pretty sure I said something like, “it will be easy”... and I was mostly right, and best of all, it did turn out to be fun!
It seemed like both a reasonable and easy request. The requirements were to measure the mains power grid frequency to a resolution of 0.01 Hertz, and to do it every 125 milliseconds (roughly; it could be a max of 200 milliseconds, but not much longer).
Why? In this case, the chase is better than the catch. It's enough to say the customer had his reasons, and this blog is about the chase.
Topics: Energy management, Process control, groov, Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, Electronics, Tips, IoT, OEM, I/O
We rely on our smartphones so much now. It's hard to remember when I couldn't instantly:
So seriously, why would I want that convenience to stop with my personal life?
What I'd like is to also see status and data from equipment and systems I'm responsible for, and especially to be notified if something's out of line.
Topics: Energy management, Process control, Discrete control, groov, Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, optonews, OptoNews 2015-07-15
Plan ahead to enjoy the fall color and learn about Opto 22's versatile SNAP PAC System at the same time this September.
Whether you're monitoring remote pumps and valves, tracking energy data, controlling processes in a large factory, or doing a wide variety of other automation tasks, you'll find the SNAP PAC System reliable and scalable.
Topics: Case studies, groov, optonews, PACs, Training, OptoNews 2015-07-15, I/O
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