
OEM Integrates Open SDKs to Stay Competitive

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 16, 2024 9:39:26 AM

Laundry OEM Gurtler Industries reinvents their dispensing systems with groov EPIC and Opto 22's free Software Development Kits (SDKs).

What do you do when competitors in the chemical storage and dispensing industry are surpassing you, and a shift in technology is needed to put you back at the forefront of laundry operations?

Learn how Gurtler Industries, a third-generation family business based in the United States Midwest, regained its position as a leading provider of laundry chemical products, services, and support for many industries including healthcare, hospitality, and textile rentals. When their competitors began leveraging data collection, remote monitoring, and enhanced visualizations, Gurtler knew they also needed to expand the capabilities of their dispensing systems to maintain their competitive market position.

In this case study, find out how Gurtler Industries was able to stay ahead of the competition by transitioning to an open-source platform with Opto 22's free Software Development Kits (SDKs) and advanced hardware solutions.

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Topics: Case studies, OEM, PAC Control, groov EPIC, sdk

Case Study: Heat Treatment OEM Chooses Flexibility, Scalability

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 7, 2024 11:34:13 AM

Mercer Technologies continues to innovate—adding energy cost per part.

Are you considering ways to include energy monitoring in your industrial applications? Now you can hear first hand how long-time Opto customer Mercer Technologies is making it happen.

The latest case study in the groov case study library features Mercer Technologies' story of innovation. See how they leverage energy monitoring data from Opto 22's groov product family.

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Topics: Case studies, OEM, groov EPIC, groov rio emu, energy monitoring

Connected O&G: Engenuity, Inc.

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Apr 19, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Oil & Gas OEM uses integrated data and control to deliver reliable automated pressure testing

Engenuity, Inc. provides control automation and data integration solutions across several industries, with a primary focus on advanced technologies for oil & gas. You've probably seen their OptoPartner profile featured here before.

In a new case study, we dig into the details of how they use groov EPIC to design an automated solution that cuts the cost of validated pressure testing at remote well sites.

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Topics: Case studies, OEM, Oil & gas, groov EPIC, OptoPartner

Easy EaaS: Shumaker Industries/Martins Electrical Service

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Feb 8, 2021 8:48:33 AM

groov RIO enables affordable equipment-as-a-service designs that are easy to deploy

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Equipment-as-a-service (EaaS) involves renting out or providing access to equipment and collecting payment periodically, rather than selling the equipment outright. This payment model enables end users to pay for costly or infrequently used equipment as an ongoing operating expense, which can open new markets for machine builders. 

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Topics: OEM, Node-RED, groov RIO, EaaS

New white paper explains Edge Programmable Industrial Controllers

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 19, 2019 9:52:40 AM

A new kind of industrial controller simplifies and secures automation and IIoT projects, while reducing cost and complexity.

We've recently published a new white paper that explains why and how Edge Programmable Industrial Controllers (EPICs) are the solution for today's–and tomorrow's–automation applications.

For today's controls engineers, new demands to use and share data present three main challenges: security, complexity, and expense.

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Topics: OEM, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, EPIC, groov EPIC, white paper

New groov EPIC case study features seawater reverse osmosis system

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 17, 2019 2:31:57 PM

FCI Watermakers improves large-scale seawater reverse osmosis system design with groov EPIC.

Question: What do a yacht owner, an island resort, and a Las Vegas chef have in common?
Answer: They all need a reliable source of good fresh water—and they all count on FCI Watermakers to
provide it.

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Topics: Water & wastewater, OEM, IIoT, EPIC, groov EPIC, reverse osmosis

groov EPIC webinar, when you want it

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 10, 2018 2:20:02 PM

Would you like to know more about the new groov EPIC system?

Now you can, on your own schedule.

  • Learn how to simplify your automation and IIoT projects.
  • See how to improve security and performance, with minimal reliance on IT personnel.
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Topics: Webinars, groov, Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, OEM, New products, Integrators, Security, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Data acquisition, EPIC

The internet of things: new business models for manufacturers?

Posted by Arun Sinha on Jun 27, 2018 10:50:17 AM

The convergence of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) systems may help manufacturers embrace new service offerings using web-based business models.

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Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, OEM, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, EPIC

Outbound! Monitor OEM machinery with little to no IT involvement

Posted by Dan White on May 10, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Day in and day out, I work alongside machine builders who share a common problem: Once equipment has been shipped to a customer site, it is quite difficult to ensure that it is running properly and being adequately maintained.

I once heard the phrase, "even a Cadillac will fail prematurely if you drive it into a brick wall." Premature failure of the machinery (regardless of whose fault) can tarnish the image of the manufacturer, lead to increased warranty costs, and create tension between OEMs and end users.

But how do I (the machine builder) get access to the control system if it is operating inside a customer’s firewall? 

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Topics: Remote monitoring, Machine builder, OEM, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, Data acquisition, MQTT, EPIC

Do you ship Opto 22 products to EU countries?

Posted by Jean Femia on Mar 6, 2018 10:00:00 AM

If you ship Opto 22 products (or products containing Opto 22 parts) to countries within the European Union, you need to know about our changes to the Declarations of Conformity required for shipments.

We've recently heard about possible problems with shipments of industrial hardware to the European Union. EU Customs officials are more stringently enforcing requirements for Declarations of Conformity (DoCs) documents on these shipments.

To prevent delays in Customs, we recommend you use the new CE DoCs we have created for shipments to EU countries.

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Topics: Machine builder, OEM, Integrators, compliance

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