
Request-response vs. publish-subscribe, part 2: Which to use?

Posted by Jean Femia on Feb 27, 2018 10:00:00 AM

In part 1 we met two communication models for computers on a network: request-response and publish-subscribe. Now let's take a look at when you might want to use each, and why.

Request-response: proven and reliable

In a request-response architecture, each client opens a direct connection to each server, because the client requests data directly from the server.

In automation, typically clients are PCs and servers are PLCs or PACs. So each PC opens a direct connection to each PLC or PAC from which it needs data. 

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Topics: groov, Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, IoT, Machine builder, OEM, Integrators, Networking, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Data acquisition, MQTT, Ignition Edge, EPIC

groov EPIC data sheets now available

Posted by Jean Femia on Feb 15, 2018 10:10:52 AM

You've been asking for more details about our brand-new groov EPIC® system for the IIoT and automation, and here they are! 

We just published a part numbers list and the first several data sheets, with preliminary descriptions, specs, wiring diagrams, and dimensions. So take a look and start planning the system you want. 

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Topics: Process control, Discrete control, groov, Internet of Things, PLCs, Remote monitoring, IoT, Machine builder, PACs, OEM, New products, Integrators, I/O, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Data acquisition, EPIC

You're the first to know...about our EPIC announcement!

Posted by Jean Femia on Feb 12, 2018 9:52:04 AM

When we announce a new product, we want you—our loyal customers and OptoBlog readers—to be the first to hear about it. 

And this isn't just one product. This is EPIC: the world's first Edge Programmable Industrial Control system—a brand-new I/O and control system built for the future of automation and designed for the way you work.

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Topics: Energy management, Process control, Food & beverage, Discrete control, groov, Internet of Things, PLCs, Remote monitoring, Water & wastewater, IoT, Machine builder, PACs, OEM, New products, Integrators, I/O, PAC Project, Building management, Oil & gas, PAC Control, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, Data acquisition, MQTT, Ignition Edge, EPIC

New IoT Webinar: Live technologies demo

Posted by Jean Femia on Dec 7, 2017 11:18:56 AM

Is the Internet of Things (IoT) just a lot of hype, or can the IoT technologies we keep hearing about provide real value?

RESTful APIs, Node-RED, and MQTT are just some of the new technical terms we're all starting to learn.

If you'd like to see these technologies in action to understand how they might be useful for your applications, then join us for a new webinar on December 12.  

Opto 22's Senior Applications Engineer Kyle Orman will demo these technologies and more. He'll show you how to exchange live data between real-world I/O and IoT platforms. 

You'll see: 

- IoT hardware that's proven in industrial locations
- RESTful APIs to get data from PAC controllers
- Examples of simple logic flows created with Node-RED 
- Ignition Edge® OPC-UA drivers built into the  groov Box
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Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, PACs, OEM, Integrators, API, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, Data acquisition, MQTT, Ignition Edge

OptoNews: Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliance update

Posted by Jean Femia on Aug 7, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Does it comply?

For some time now we've been working to make sure our products comply with the latest requirements for RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and CE marking (a mark indicating that the product meets all legal requirements to be sold in the European Economic Area, or EEA). 

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Topics: Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, I/O, SSRs

OptoNews Tip: Choosing the right SNAP I/O module

Posted by Jean Femia on Jun 12, 2017 8:50:54 AM

Maybe you're monitoring temperature, or controlling a production line, or getting data from a load cell. Whatever your goal, you want to get the I/O that works best for your application. 

Or maybe you happen to notice we have more than one SNAP-AIV voltage input module and wonder how they're different. 

Here are a couple of ways to find a SNAP module with the features you need and compare similar modules.

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Topics: Energy management, Process control, Discrete control, Tips, Machine builder, optonews, OEM, Integrators, I/O, Data acquisition

OptoNews Tip: Find warranty and agency approval info for Opto 22 products

Posted by Jean Femia on Apr 28, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Suppose you're spec'ing a system and you know that one location will require Factory Mutual-approved I/O. Which Opto 22 SNAP I/O modules have FM approval?

Or suppose the products you purchase must be UL approved, or meet certain European Union (CE) standards. 

What if you just want to know what the warranty period is for a specific Opto 22 part?

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Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Tips, Machine builder, optonews, OEM, Integrators

OptoNews Tip: Direct I/O & PAMUX SDKs now support Windows 10, 8.1, 7

Posted by Jean Femia on Mar 1, 2017 3:58:37 PM

Two of our software development kits (SDKs) have just been updated to provide support for Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional, 8.1 Professional, and 7 Professional, both 32-bit and 64-bit.


The PC-Based Direct I/O SDK for PCI Adapter Cards is for direct, high-speed control of digital I/O points.

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Topics: Discrete control, Updates, Tips, Machine builder, optonews, OEM, I/O, OptoNews 2017-03-01, Pamux

OptoNews: Opto 22 helps CAT provide power for the "Big Game"

Posted by Jean Femia on Feb 15, 2017 6:01:16 PM

Did you watch the Big Game on Sunday, February 5?

Not only was it a great game, with the outcome in doubt till a first-ever overtime settled it, but also... power for the Fox Sports television broadcast never failed.

Pretty important, right?

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Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-02-15

OptoNews: CLI, transparent windows, and more now in PAC Project R9.6

Posted by Jean Femia on Feb 15, 2017 5:59:35 PM

Announcing the release of PAC Project R9.6000, with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes—available now. 

PAC Control

Here's good news for system integrators, OEMs, and others who build PAC Control strategies for users who don't have PAC Control on their systems. PAC Control now provides a command-line interface (CLI) 

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Topics: Updates, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, PAC Project, PAC Control, OptoNews 2017-02-15

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