How do you control coatings on a device the width of a human hair?
In today's world, ultra-tiny micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) provide key capabilities in phones, cars, drones, and medical sensors, just to name a few places.
How do you control coatings on a device the width of a human hair?
In today's world, ultra-tiny micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) provide key capabilities in phones, cars, drones, and medical sensors, just to name a few places.
Topics: Case studies, Process control, Electronics, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, OptoNews 2016-06-22
Sometimes a customer calls asking if we can help them recover their unarchived PAC Control strategy from an Opto 22 controller, or recover a PAC Display project.
The answer in both cases is no.
Topics: Tips, optonews, PACs, PAC Project, OptoNews 2016-06-22
With groov, you can easily build an operator interface that works on any size screen: wide-screen TVs, desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones. Everything automatically scales to fit on any device.
But considering the size and shape of these screens—and how your users will want to use the data on them—you may not want the same things to appear in the same ways on a TV and on a phone.
Topics: groov, Updates, Remote monitoring, optonews, OptoNews 2016-06-08
ATEX is the name commonly given to the two European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres in workplaces.
Several Opto 22 products are now approved for both standards and offer you options for applications in potentially explosive areas.
Topics: Process control, Food & beverage, Discrete control, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, I/O, Oil & gas, OptoNews 2016-06-08
Are you thinking about your Internet of Things (IoT) strategy? Join us in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the IoT Evolution Conference and Expo, July 11-14, 2016.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-06-08
Here's a handy compilation of our most popular—and most useful—examples for PAC Control and PAC Display: PAC Project samples Greatest Hits.
This collection includes sample files we've created plus files you've posted to the OptoForum.
Topics: Tips, optonews, PAC Project, OptoNews 2016-06-08
Say you own a 30-year-old enterprise data center in the Arizona desert, and you're starting to have some problems:
Topics: Energy management, Case studies, optonews, PACs, Integrators, I/O, Building management, Security, OptoNews 2016-05-25
Look around and think about the useful data currently hiding in your legacy systems and equipment.
How could that data help your company?
Maybe it's process data from manufacturing lines, performance data from machinery, or status data from remote installations.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-05-25
If you're near Cambridge, Ontario, on June 7, be sure to join Opto 22's Lloyd Romeo at the SORT Technology Showcase, sponsored by SORT Production Products Ltd.
Topics: Process control, groov, optonews, PACs, Events & conferences, I/O, PAC Project, OptoNews 2016-05-25
We've been manufacturing solid state relays (SSRs) for more than 40 years now.
In fact, that's how Opto 22 started: our founders discovered a better way to build SSRs.
So of course we want you to use SSRs. (And choose Opto's guaranteed-for-life models!)
Topics: optonews, SSRs, OptoNews 2016-05-25
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