
Advanced HMI Design

Posted by Janice Colmer on Nov 16, 2023 9:13:36 AM

Learn advanced design techniques for groov View in the latest groov workshop video.

Opto 22's Paul Hardt shows you ways to make your groov View operator interface even better—with a basic layout structure, a grid for lining up HMI elements, and layered gadgets. With browser-based groov View, you can easily build an HMI to see and interact with exactly what you need. groov View is included with groov EPIC and groov Server for Windows. 

Recently, Paul showed you the groov View Quick Start Guide, outlining 3 simple steps to an HMI. This time he takes a deeper dive into what you can do with the more advanced features of the design tool.

Watch: Advanced HMI Design Techniques with groov View.

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Topics: groov View, groov EPIC, HMI

groov Manage: groov View

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 16, 2023 9:10:16 AM

An easy-to-use tool for building a flexible HMI, included with your groov EPIC.

I don’t think I am going too far out on a limb by saying that the web browser is one of the most commonly installed and used software applications on any device. You might read this intro in your email app, but you will soon switch to a browser to read this blog. (I hope!)

So why stop at just viewing your SCADA HMI screens in a browser—why not build them there as well?

Enter the groov View menu option, the focus of this part 8 of our 12-part blog series on the groov Manage menu.

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Topics: groov View, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

Case Study: Nucor subsidiary POK brings foundry to industry 4.0

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 8, 2023 12:27:15 PM

New factory saves initial and recurring costs, improves products with groov EPIC and Ignition.

Moving to Industry 4.0 takes time and determination, especially for an established company in a heavy industry. Castings Foundry POK in Guadalajara, Mexico, a Nucor subsidiary, uses equipment from manufacturers all over the world, which may include PLCs from a variety of automation suppliers. But data from all this equipment needed to be shared with corporate SCADA and ERP systems.  

In this new Opto 22 case study, see how POK's new factory solved this problem, saving an estimated 60% in initial costs, making operators' jobs easier with comprehensive HMIs, and improving product quality. 

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Topics: Case studies, groov View, groov EPIC, Ignition

Three simple steps to a groov View HMI

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 18, 2023 10:31:01 AM

Watch this updated groov View Quick Start video to learn how simple it is to start designing and building your HMI.

With browser-based groov View, you can easily build an operator interface to see and interact with exactly what you need. groov View is included with groov EPIC and groov Server for Windows.

To help you get up and running in no time at all, we've put together a new video that takes you through 3 simple steps of setting up an HMI with groov View. This is a quick, high-level overview presentation designed to get you started and more comfortable with the tool.

Watch and learn: groov View Quick Start.

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Topics: Videos, groov server for windows, groov View, groov EPIC, HMI

Case Study: Clearing Harmful Algal Blooms

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 11, 2023 11:32:14 AM

AECOM, Ecosa, ENGraphted, and Opto 22 team up for a new solution to a complex environmental problem.

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in lakes, rivers, and oceans are an increasingly severe problem worldwide. HABs can produce toxins that harm humans, kill fish, smother aquatic life, and destroy tourist economies. 

If you were headed to Florida as a tourist in 2016 or 2018, you would have witnessed this devastation. Due to massive algae blooms, Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency and closed beaches on both coasts. The invasive, toxic blue-green algae choked many freshwater lakes, rivers, and residential waterways as well.

Faced with the ugly, slimy, stinky water, not just tourists but residents and business owners who did not have the ability to leave the area were stuck. The toxic slime threatened human health and devastated tourism-related businesses, as dead fish and aquatic life piled up along the shorelines.

Available solutions for HABs weren't ideal, so Dan Levy of AECOM put together a team to develop a new process for removing the algae. Read about the process, how they developed efficient algae harvesters, and what the harvested biomass is used for in this new case study.

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Topics: Case studies, groov View, groov EPIC

Discover and learn with Interactive Demos

Posted by Janice Colmer on Dec 8, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Learn more about automation products and IIoT technologies through the Interactive Demo section on the website.

Many people benefit from hands-on learning, which is why we've always maintained a section of interactive resources on the Opto 22 website. If you haven't tried it yourself, take a few minutes to point, click, and discover some new product features and functions.

These website demos cover advanced edge computing and IIoT concepts using groov EPIC and RIO products, building custom HMIs with groov View, and even basic automation 101 concepts like PID turning.

Here are some website demos you can explore.

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Topics: PID loop control, groov View, groov EPIC, groov RIO, IIoT System Architecture, interactive demo

More options for HMI animations

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 19, 2022 10:07:48 AM

New images and animations are added to our SVG image library and GIFs resource page.

Are you building HMI screens to use with your groov EPIC (GRV-EPIC-PR1 or GRV-EPIC-PR2)? Be sure to visit our website resource pages to help customize your HMI. We've expanded the SVG Image Library as well as the Animated GIFs section of the site.

These images and animations work especially well if you're using browser-based groov View. Included with your EPIC, groov View lets you easily build an operator interface to see and interact with exactly the devices and data you need. Choose from a variety of images suited for all kinds of industrial applications. 

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Topics: groov View, groov EPIC, HMI, SVG

Try out groov View on your smartphone or computer

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 5, 2022 10:55:22 AM

Visit our free groov View demo site to see how this user interface works in a variety of applications.

If you've used groov EPIC controllers, then you might be familiar with the groov View HMI software built into these edge products. 

From pumps and processes to production data to the weather, your world is full of things you need to control, view, or monitor. With browser-based groov View, you can easily build a web-based, responsive operator interface to see and interact with exactly what you need.

Did you know you can access Opto 22's groov demo site to see groov View being used in a variety of applications? It's a great way to take a deeper dive into how this custom HMI tool works.

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Topics: groov View, groov EPIC, HMI, groov RIO

Quick recap: groov EPIC 3.4.3 firmware update

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 16, 2022 12:37:43 PM

Review some important bug fixes included in the latest groov EPIC firmware update 3.4.3.

Everyone here at Opto 22 knows that updating any controller's firmware is not a trivial task, and when in a production environment, it’s not something that can be done at the drop of a hat.

That said, sometimes we fix some bugs that require a minor point firmware update and the latest 3.4.3 release is just such a case. If you are using groov View or the new Data Services feature, then you should look closely at this release as you determine where updating your controller(s) should be prioritized in your jam-packed schedule.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov View, groov EPIC, OPC UA

Now Serving: PAC Control and Memory Mapped Data with OPC UA Server

Posted by Norma Rodriguez on Jul 6, 2022 7:30:00 AM

groov EPIC OPC UA Server makes it easy to access your data; lessons on OptoU show you how

Do you need access to your PAC Control strategy variables and I/O, or data from the memory map area on your groov EPIC? Do you want to connect to OPC UA client applications such as SCADA, MES, or enterprise software?

groov EPIC is now serving up this data securely and reliably with its built-in groov EPIC OPC UA Server. Publish the data where you need it.

In this post, we’ll go over exactly what data is accessible from the server, the basics of configuring the server, and some examples of how you can use it. And when you’re ready to work with the OPC UA server, you can find step-by-step instructions in the groov EPIC OPC UA courses on OptoU.

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Topics: Training, Node-RED, Ignition Edge, groov View, OptoU, OPC UA

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