If you’ve been listening to all the hype around the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0, or my favorite, the Industrial Internet of Things (pretty sure they’re all roughly the same thing), you’ve no doubt heard the term machine learning thrown around.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things
5 Fundamental Security Features your Industrial Assets Must Have
In a previous blog post I wrote about the Internet of Things getting hacked. As the IIoT ramps up and we continue to connect more devices to networks, we increase our industrial assets' exposure to cyber attacks. And we all need to start thinking about cyber security first, not as an afterthought.
It's everyone's responsibility to plan for cyber security, starting when you first evaluate industrial assets for purchase.
Here are five checklist items to think about before connecting any industrial device to a network. No, this is not an exhaustive list, but frankly I don't want take up that much of your time. (You're welcome!) This is good starting point, though.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, Security, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things
The image below still cracks me up. The captions for each of the devices are hilarious.
But in truth, ransomware is a pretty scary subject, especially when you think of it in the context of industrial technology and applications. And there’ve been quite a few unnerving stories about ransomware hacks in industrial applications lately.
Topics: Internet of Things, Tips, IoT, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things
OptoNews: Data from databases, online services in your groov mobile interface
New release adds Data Store device
With the new Data Store device in groov R3.3, you can put data into groov from anywhere—like a database, another device or system—and monitor or change it in your mobile operator interface.
- For example, your company’s SQL database could place production or maintenance data into a groov Data Store for managers or technicians to see in their interface.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, Updates, IoT, optonews, API, REST API, REST, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-01-04
OptoNews: New PAC REST API video - exchange data with Access database
In the last OptoNews, we showed you how an Excel® spreadsheet can exchange data with an Opto 22 SNAP PAC using the SNAP PAC controllers' RESTful API (application programming interface).
This time we'll show you how you can use the REST API with a Microsoft® Access® database.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, Integrators, PAC Control, API, REST API, RESTful server, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-12-14
OptoNews: Now sense & switch industrial loads with your Raspberry Pi
Did you ever think a Raspberry Pi® could monitor or control real-world electrical loads like industrial motors, sensors, and pumps?
Well, now it can!
The new Digital I/O Carrier Board for Raspberry Pi (part number OPTO-P1-40P) makes it possible.
Topics: Discrete control, optonews, New products, I/O, IIoT, OptoNews 2016-11-30
If you're looking to connect real-world signals and industrial "things" to Information Technology (IT) systems, cloud software, and mobile devices, you already know Opto 22 products will serve you well.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, Networking, I/O, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-11-30
OptoNews: New PAC REST API video - exchange data with Excel
What does the new built-in RESTful API in Opto 22 SNAP PAC S-series and R-series programmable automation controllers mean to you?
It means you can use a variety of programming languages to easily access data in the PAC.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, PAC Control, API, REST API, RESTful server, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-11-30
OptoNews: Are you an Operations Technology engineer?
Gone are the days when the control system engineer—"you know, the instrumentation guy, the DCS guy, the PLC and HMI guy"—can handle what needs to be done in automation, says Steve Malyszko, P.E.
Malyszko's recent article in Automation World says the old skills just won't be enough anymore.
Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Integrators, Careers, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-11-09
Are you wiring together devices and software using Node-RED? If you're even thinking about it, we've got a new Node-RED OptoForum for you.
We announced in the last OptoNews that Node-RED is now a built-in feature in the GROOV-AR1 groov Box!
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, OptoNews 2016-11-09