In-person, instructor-led training classes resume at Opto 22 factory headquarters in Temecula, CA.
Many of you have been asking for groov EPIC Premium Factory Training, and 2023 is the year! After a hiatus from in-person training due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Opto 22 training staff is ready with an updated and more detailed groov EPIC curriculum.
Here's your chance to get hands-on instruction and some great tips and guidance from Opto engineers, all in a matter of 4 days in (usually sunny) Temecula, California. With each student at their own training station, everyone can program their own groov EPIC Learning Center.
Since it's been a few years, here's a refresher on topics the groov EPIC training covers and what's included in your 4-day agenda.
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groov EPIC,
Factory Training
Join Opto 22 and see groov EPIC in action at the one day ENTELEC Fall Seminar for the energy industry.
If your schedule allows you to be in the area of Odessa, Texas October 6th, you'll want to include the annual ENTELEC Fall Seminar in your plans. ENTELEC is a user association focusing on the convergence of telecom and IT including digitization, IIoT, automation, cyber security, AI, cloud and edge computing, specific to petroleum, natural gas, pipeline, and electric utility companies.
Their Fall Seminar is a one day conference designed to fit your schedule and priced to fit any budget. It's a well planned day offering new technology demos, industry training programs and networking opportunities, especially focused on the Energy and Oil & Gas industries.
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Energy management,
Events & conferences,
groov EPIC,
edge computing,
oil and gas
groov EPIC OPC UA Server makes it easy to access your data; lessons on OptoU show you how
Do you need access to your PAC Control strategy variables and I/O, or data from the memory map area on your groov EPIC? Do you want to connect to OPC UA client applications such as SCADA, MES, or enterprise software?
groov EPIC is now serving up this data securely and reliably with its built-in groov EPIC OPC UA Server. Publish the data where you need it.
In this post, we’ll go over exactly what data is accessible from the server, the basics of configuring the server, and some examples of how you can use it. And when you’re ready to work with the OPC UA server, you can find step-by-step instructions in the groov EPIC OPC UA courses on OptoU.
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Ignition Edge,
groov View,
groov EPIC becomes a Modbus master/client with a few easy lessons.
With Modbus continuing to be a popular protocol for industrial devices, the chances are pretty good you will need to write a program to communicate with Modbus slave/server devices more than a few times. The groov EPIC controller offers several Modbus communication options, and CODESYS, an IEC 61131-3 compliant development environment, is one of them.
With your PLC programming experience and the Using groov EPIC as a Modbus Master in CODESYS course on OptoU, creating a CODESYS project with Modbus master functions will be a breeze.
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groov EPIC,
Use your PLC programming experience to program groov EPIC.
Ready to write a control program for your groov EPIC, but not sure how to get started? With three options to write your control program–PAC Control, the easy-to-learn flowchart language, the Linux-based Secure Shell (SSH) to run your custom program, and CODESYS, an IEC-61131-3 compliant language–which do you choose?
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groov EPIC,
groov EPIC Learning Center,
PLC programming
Opto 22's free online training will soon include a series on groov RIO edge I/O.
Good news for all our OptoU students as well as anyone interested in learning more about groov RIO—this new series of videos will help you become a groov RIO expert. groov RIO is the revolutionary I/O module that offers over 200,000 unique, software-configurable I/O combinations in a single, compact, PoE-powered industrial package. And now you can learn about it more easily than ever!
The groov RIO Learning Center is the best way to get hands-on experience with this new edge I/O technology, and the new OptoU training series will take you through several lessons utilizing a groov RIO learning center unit (GRV-RIO-LC).
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PID loop control,
groov RIO,
groov RIO Learning Center
How good is CODESYS on groov EPIC? Really, really good...
If you’re a long-time CODESYS user, Opto 22 may not have come across your radar before. Here are a few big reasons why you might want to take a look at Opto 22’s groov EPIC edge programmable industrial controller and consider making it your go-to IEC 61131-3 development platform.
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groov EPIC,
CODESYS blog series
A new OptoBlog series takes a closer look at the CODESYS programming option in groov EPIC and how to use it.
If you're looking for programming options that are highly portable or you want to leverage your experience with ladder logic on a modern control platform, Opto 22's groov EPIC gives you the option of working with the CODESYS Development Environment.
If you aren't already familiar with it, you should definitely check it out. Today, I'll show you how to get started, but keep checking back for more in-depth content in the coming months.
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groov EPIC,
CODESYS blog series
Learn more about edge I/O technology and the capabilities of the groov RIO module with the new learning center unit.
If you're up-to-date on your OptoBlog posts, you've heard about the revolutionary I/O that offers over 200,000 unique, software-configurable I/O combinations in a single, compact, PoE-powered industrial package called groov RIO.
Ready to learn about and experiment with groov RIO? Now you can with the groov RIO Learning Center (GRV-RIO-LC).
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groov RIO,
groov RIO Learning Center
The groov EPIC edge programmable industrial controller can do so much—but where do you start?
Do you want to learn about groov EPIC but aren't sure where to start? Are you curious about how to securely share your sensor data with other applications, want to learn different ways to write a control program, read data from other PLCs, or explore the range of features groov EPIC offers?
To help you navigate learning, register for free, step-by-step training courses at OptoU.
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groov EPIC,