We've just released PAC Project R9.6002, and you can get the updates here:
PAC Project Basic is free automation software for control programming and HMI, and is used with our SNAP PAC controllers.
We've just released PAC Project R9.6002, and you can get the updates here:
PAC Project Basic is free automation software for control programming and HMI, and is used with our SNAP PAC controllers.
Topics: Updates, optonews, PAC Project, PAC Control, OptoNews 2017-03-15
When you're working on your network, what's in your toolkit?
For automation networks or IT computer networks, a few essential cables and adapters should be in your kit.
That way you've got them handy, whether you're troubleshooting network problems or just keeping your equipment and line up and running.
Topics: Tips, optonews, Integrators, Networking, OptoNews 2017-03-15
We've just released version 3 of Node-RED for the GROOV-AR1 groov Box.
Node-RED is an open-source software tool for digitally wiring together hardware devices (like the groov Box), APIs (application program interfaces), and online services.
If you have a GROOV-AR1, Node-RED is included starting with groov Admin 44.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, Updates, IoT, optonews, Integrators, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, OptoNews 2017-03-01
Are you using G4 or SNAP digital I/O with your Raspberry Pi®?
A lot of engineers are finding a Pi surprisingly useful in real industrial applications, as well as for prototyping and experimenting. Used with Opto 22's reliable industrial I/O, your Pi can safely switch 5-60 VDC, 120 VAC, and 240 VAC loads.
Topics: optonews, I/O, GPIO, G4 I/O, OptoNews 2017-03-01, Raspberry Pi, Digital I/O for Raspberry Pi
You've probably heard about KPIs (key performance indicators). You may be responsible for meeting these goals or even determining what they should be.
But what are KPIs and how are they used in process control and automation?
Topics: Process control, optonews, OptoNews 2017-03-01
Two of our software development kits (SDKs) have just been updated to provide support for Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional, 8.1 Professional, and 7 Professional, both 32-bit and 64-bit.
The PC-Based Direct I/O SDK for PCI Adapter Cards is for direct, high-speed control of digital I/O points.
Topics: Discrete control, Updates, Tips, Machine builder, optonews, OEM, I/O, OptoNews 2017-03-01, Pamux
Did you watch the Big Game on Sunday, February 5?
Not only was it a great game, with the outcome in doubt till a first-ever overtime settled it, but also... power for the Fox Sports television broadcast never failed.
Pretty important, right?
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-02-15
Announcing the release of PAC Project R9.6000, with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes—available now.
Here's good news for system integrators, OEMs, and others who build PAC Control strategies for users who don't have PAC Control on their systems. PAC Control now provides a command-line interface (CLI)
Topics: Updates, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, PAC Project, PAC Control, OptoNews 2017-02-15
As the Internet of Things (IoT) gains momentum, this conference brings together system architects, firmware developers, software developers, and application developers.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-02-15
Our developer.opto22.com site gets a lot of traffic from developers working with SNAP PACs, groov, Node-RED, and industrial I/O for Raspberry Pi.
Since all Opto 22 products are designed on open standards, you have a variety of ways to interact with them and integrate with other systems. The developer site helps you do that.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, API, REST API, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-02-15
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